VMP-300 is a high-end research grade and fully flexible multipotentiostat.
It is the most modular chassis of our product range offering 16 slots for potentiostats/galvanostats/FRA boards and/or booster boards.
The channel and booster boards can be combined in the chassis either to have many channels or to reach high currents. As a multichannel workstation, each channel is completely independent from the others making the unit a multi-users workstation. The VMP-300 is supplied with a built-in calibration board in an additional slot.
The chassis can accommodate booster kits that can be selected in our extended range (1 A, 2 A, 4 A, 10 A). These current boosters can be connected in parallel to reach high current level such as 150 A with 15 boosters of 10 A.
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) measurements can be added as an option to the VMP-300. Low current sensitivity can be improved using the Ultra Low Current option (down to 1 pA range with 76 aA resolution). This option may be added on each of the 16 channels.
*Energy storage/battery
*Fundamental electrochemistry
*Photovoltaic/solar cell
*Low current ranges: 100 nA to 1 pA
*Built-in EIS analyser: 10 μHz to 7 MHz
*Up to 16 independent channels
*Internal current boosters: 1 A/48 V, 2 A/30 V, 4 A/[-4;14] V and 10 A/[0;5] V
*Linear scan generator: 1 MV/s