Welcome to Dalian Huayang
The Fourth International Conference on Vibrational Optical Acitvity(VOA-4)
  • Release time : 2018-05-16 10:58:39
  • Browsing volume:4692

Dear colleges:
Identification of absolute configuration is a big challenge in modern chemistry, especially in phytochemsitry and organic chemistry. The recent progresses in this topic will be introduced in the 4th International conference on Vibrational Optical Activity in Hebei University in Baoding which is about 130 km away from Beijing. The Conference will be held from 26th to 29th of Oct. this year.
This International Conference should focus on the following topics:
(1) The development of chirality assignment using VCD and ROA.
(2) Conformations of biological molecules using VCD and ROA
(3) Calculations of chiroptical spectra, VCD, ECD, ROA and OR
(4) Absolute configuration determination for complex (natural) bioactive compounds using chiroptical spectroscopy (VOA, ECD, OR).
Welcome you to take part in this international conference. The web-material can be found at:
We welcome the submission of various kind of abstracts for posters and some oral lectures. The deadline for this submission should be the 15th of September of this year.
The experts from all over the world are invited to give lectures and the list is illustrated below:
Laurrence Barron, Glasgow University, UK
Vladimir Baumruk, Charles University of Prague, Czech Republic
Ewan Blanch, University of Manchester, UK
Peter Bour, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
Patrick Bultnick, Ghent Univeristy, Belgium
Wybren Buma, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
James Cheeseman, Gaussian, Inc., USA
Minhaeng Cho Korea Univesity, Korea
Jadwiga Frelek, Academy of Sciences, Poland
Timothy Keiderling University of Illinois, Chicago, USA
Kenji Monde, Hokkaido University, Japan
Laurence Nafie Syracuse University, USA
Magdalena Pecul, University of Warsaw, Poland
Prasad Polavarapu, Vanderbilt University, USA
HerreboutWouter, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Magdalena Baranska, Jegellonian University, Poland
Joao M. Batista, Jr. University EstadualPaulista, Brazil
Shunai Che, Shanghai Jiaotong University
Jeanne Crassous, University of Rennes1, France
Wei-Min Dai, the Hong Kong University of Science and technology
Wojciech Dzwolak University of Warsaw, Poland
Yujian He, Chinese University of CAS
Hiroshi Izumi, National Institute of AIST, Japan
Christian Johannessen, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Dimitry Kurouski, Northwestern University, USA
Ling-Yi Kong, China Pharmaceutical University
Wenhan Lin, Peking University
Christian Merten, University of Bochum, Germany
Paul Nicu, Free University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Tomas Pazderka, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Francisco Javier Ramirez, University of Malaga, Spain
Tohru Tanikuchi Hokkaido Univesity, Japan
Masashi Unno, Saga University, Japan
Yang Ye, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica

Best regards
Chair: Hua-Jie Zhu
Co-Chair: Laurence Nafie
The 4th International conference on Vibrational Optical Activity Organization Committee

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