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Other Cell Confrigurations

Rectangular Cells with small screw cap Types 1,3,9 and 18

Rectangualr Cells with Quartz to Pyrex graded seal(GS) Types 1,3,9 and 18

Flow through Refractometer Cells

Demountable,open ended Cells Type 20 O

Demountable,Closed ended Cells Type 20 C

Gel Boat Cells Type 100

Type 26 Cells ,Sub and Ultra micro with stopper top

Type 26LHS (low head space) Sub-micro,cells

Type`s 28AS and 29AS,Suction outlet micro and semi-micro Cells

Type`s 25 Cells,Vacuum Suction aspiration

Type 126 Anaerobic Standard Rectangular and Fluorimeter Cells

Type 128 Extended Height Anaerobic Standard Rectangular and Fluorimeter Cells

Type 700 UHV Stopcock,Rectangular Cells

Type 700/35 and 37 UHV Stopcock Cylindrical Cells

Dye Laser Cells

Type 19 Ultra-micro and 19L(Lens) Cells

UHV Cells

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