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Bio-Logic MOS-450 CD Spectrometer(suspended,upgrade to MOS-500)

Fast modular UV-Vis Spectrometer/Polarimeter - A unique instrument to fulfill most of the needs in steady state and Rapid-Kinetics recording
·Outstanding signal-to-noise ratio
· For fluorescence, light scattering, absorbance, circular dichroism and fluorescence anisotropy (Includes as standard a unique and very sensitive fluorescence anisotropy measurement mode: the EMFA method)
· Steady state spectral recordings
· Single wavelength Fast-Kinetics recordings
The modularity of the MOS-450 spectrometer makes it economical : a minimum of components to be rearranged for different modes of detection, and expandable.

The MOS-450 spectrometer comes as two basic configurations :

· MOS-450/AF for absorbance and fluorescence modes. This includes a dual illumination monochromator and single-channel detection.
· MOS-450/AF-CD for absorbance, fluorescence, fluorescence anisotropy and circular dichroism modes. This includes the same hardware as the /AF version, with in addition : polarizing optics, photoelastic modulator and synchronous signal detection.

Light Source: 150Xe and 150W Xe-Hg
· Mode Circular dichroism, UV-Vis absorbance,  fluorescence, light scattering, , Linear dichroism and fluorescence anisotropy
· WL Range: 165~900 nm
· WL Accuracy:±0.1 nm (165-900nm)
· Optical: Double Grating (1200 line/mm)
· Stray Light: <2 x 10-6 (200nm)

Copyright Dalian Huayang analytical instruments Co., Ltd.All right reserved. Preparation of Liao ICP
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