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Bio-Logic MOS-500 Circular Dichroism Spectrometer


Light source :super quiet 150 W Xe and Xe (Hg) air-cooled,tungsten available in option (air-cooled)
Monochromator: tunable chromatic light source coupled to a prism and double grating (patented)
Wavelength range: 163-950 nm (standard), 163-1250 nm (with optional detector)
Nitrogen gas purge: only for scans < 195 nm ( no risk of damaging optics),high efficiency N2 purge Optimized for light source, optical bench and sample compartment.
Wavelength accuracy: ±0.1 nm from 163 to 1,250 nm
Wavelength precision: ±0.05 nm from 163 to 1,250 nm
Bandwidth: 0 to 16 nm on full wavelength range
Stray light: < 2 ppm at 200 nm, 3 ppm at 500 nm, 5 ppm at 180nm
CD resolution: 0.0001 mdeg
CD range: ±8,000 mdeg
Baseline stability: ±0.002 mdeg/hour (2 μdeg/hour)
Scanning speed: 1-12000nm/min.
Data interval: 0.1nm to 10 nm in scanning mode, 10 μs to 20 s in kinetics mode
Scanning modes: step scan, adaptive scan, temperature scan, kinetics (slow or using stopped-flow)
Rms noise: 0.01 mdeg at 200 nm using 1 nm BW, 16 s sampling, 0.008 mdeg at 500 nm using 1 nm BW,16 s sampling
Standard detection modes: CD, absorbance, HV (standard all simultaneous), fluorescence, FD/CD, fluorescence anisotropy,  HPLC-CD, LD
Optional detection mode: NIR-CD, ORD, DR-CD,MCD
UV measurement accuracy: ±0.001 aU (built-in filters to remove second order)
Shutter: built-in, software control
External input/output: 4 in, 3 out (for external connections)
PC interface: Windows 7, 32 or 64 bits
Other options: titrator (concentration and pH), emission monochromator

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